If you are searching for Italian pasta or you've been in Italy for a vacation and you want to bring back good memories here's my growing collection of authentic Italian pasta recipes straight from Italy, nevertheless these Italian pasta recipes are for you.

Made at home or eaten in many restaurants in Italy  today as yesterday. The most classics ones are listed first, then followed by pasta sauces and the new more fancy ones. Yes, Italy as changed and it's not just about tradition anymore. 

Italian Pasta Recipes Made Easy

How To Make Fresh Homemade Pasta

Sometimes you feel nostalgic about old days gone, when mamma & nonna (mother, grandmother), were making homemade fresh pasta and cooking all day long to feed the family. Yes, sometimes I feel it. I remember nonna making fresh pasta for us. Traditions are always traditions!

Just below you can find a few Italian pasta sauces that you might want to give a look at to season your pasta.

Authentic Italian Pasta Sauces

Although in Italy there's no such pasta sauce culture other than sugo or ragù di carne (meat sauce) or salsa di pomodoro (tomato sauce), it's not as abroad. Here are some of most used and traditional Italian pasta sauces which I have made.

New Italian Style Pasta Ideas

These are some of today's Italian fancy pasta recipes you can try. I even made one after a trip back from Moscow and that's penne with vodka sauce.

Nowdays, some Italian-American recipes are coming at our tables too. For this reason I made an Italian style of the famous American mac & cheese. Check it out!

And last but not least, what about an easy spaghetti recipe with an egg topping?